South West Data and Resources

RDA South West has secured a licence agreement with REMPLAN which provides a wealth of data and statistics to help make decisions about the places we live, work and invest. REMPLAN data is continually updated and delivers, economic, community and investment profiles.

Home to 197,587 people, the South West supports 80,407 jobs and has an annual economic output of $42.1 billion. The South West's median age is 43 years.

Want to learn more? View the South West Community and Economic Profiles below.

Customised Economic and Community Profiling

Are you looking for specialised profiling for an application which requires forward planning and growth projections? Through our Licence with Remplan, we have access to some impressive accurate and up-to-date data for creating profiling and analysis for any region, event, project, or development. We can provide access to data for local government, business, organisations and individuals regarding where and when to allocate resources and invest. Contact our dedicated Regional Economic Planner to find out how we can assist you.

Other Statistical Resources

Regional Data Hub

Connecting Australians to data and insights about their communities 

The Hub can help you:

Find regional data with an extensive and easy to use data catalogue

Explore regional data insights via interactive dashboards and maps

Learn about data and the resources on the hub with a range of educational material

Australian Bureau of Statistics

The ABS is an absolute monster of a site. The depth of data can be overwhelming so it is recommended that users be very focused and perform specific searches using the Data by Region portal as a starting point. The South West is a statistical division which includes Waroona, but searches can be by council area.

Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics

The Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) provides economic analysis, research and statistics on infrastructure, transport and regional development issues to inform both Australian Government policy development and wider community understanding.

Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) is Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. BoM contributes to national social, economic and environmental goals by providing meteorological services and by undertaking research into science and environment related issues.

Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research BCARR

The Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR) undertakes research and provides economic and data analysis on communications, arts, cities and regions to support evidence-based policy development and advice.

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is a research bureau within the Department of Agriculture. It provides professionally independent research, analysis and advice for decision-makers on significant issues affecting agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

Tourism Research Australia

Tourism Research Australia is Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets. TRA equips industry with information to strengthen their marketing and business decisions while the same data underpins government tourism policy.


The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is Australia's national science agency, delivering a wealth of information. For example, any water project should reference the SW Sustainable Yields project - the most comprehensive WA study of water yield ever undertaken.

Department of the Environment

The Department of the Environment can provide useful statistics for use in demonstrating project business cases. The data is wide-ranging but includes waste management and heritage in addition to what might be expected.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

The Western Australian Government's Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development aims to provide a strong and unified service for the state’s primary industries and regions.

Regional Australia Institute

The Regional Australia Institute develops policy and advocates for change to build a stronger economy and a better quality of life in regional Australia – for the benefit of all Australians. This independent body is informed by both research and ongoing dialogue with the community, gaining input from RDAs for example.